Jing screenshot download
Jing screenshot download

jing screenshot download

Instantly get a shareable link of a video after finishing recording ▸ Download uploaded videos in WebM or MP4 format

jing screenshot download

▸ Choose video dimensions from 720p, 1080p or 4K ▸ Include your face in your video by embedding your webcam ▸ Include your voice in recording with Microphone option on ▸ Record your Desktop, current Tab or Camera only Here are some features for screen recorder and screenshot 🔟 Most importantly, your voice matters! 🗣 & Continuous improvements Want to share your screen for cases like reporting technical issues, making product demos or how-to tutorials? Here are 🔟 reasons to choose Awesome Screen Recorder & Screenshotġ️⃣ Provide stable service for more than 10 yearsĢ️⃣ Loved by more than 3 millions users across different platforms 👍ģ️⃣ Local Screen Recorder & Cloud Screen recorder 2 in 1Ĥ️⃣ Screenshot / Screen capture & Screen recorder 2 in 1Ħ️⃣ Powerful features special designed for work and educational scenariosĩ️⃣ Instant sharing your screenshots and screen recordings The best screen recorder and screen capture & screenshot tool to record screen.

Jing screenshot download